
Clouds and Skies is my recent series of dream-landscapes of light that allows for a play of perception from the pictorial to the interpretive. Through layers of thinned paint I translate a felt inner energy into rhythmic brush strokes. Which creates contour movement and exposed space through their transparency. My paintings enable a look at a space never explored, and a chance to go deeper into one’s self. For me, in looking outward, you are actually looking inward.
Amita Sen Gupta is a painter working and living in Toronto. She studied Fine Art at OCAD University, and received a scholarship during her final year in Florence, Italy. Her paintings exhibited throughout Ontario, including The Art Gallery of Hamilton, The Gladstone Hotel, Mercedes Benz Financial, and Art Rental + Sales Gallery at the Art Gallery of Ontario. Sen Gupta has also been part of art collectives in Toronto, and was a founding member of the artist-run gallery, Propeller. She served as an art consultant at the Art Rental and Sales Gallery at the Art Gallery of Ontario and was chosen to be a contestant in “Landscape Artist Of The Year Canada” which aired on Makeful TV in 2020.